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Colombia Paola Trujillo Pink Bourbon Washed

Colombia Paola Trujillo Pink Bourbon Washed

Regular price $28.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $28.00 NZD
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Roast Profile

Flavour: Lavender, Lime, Dried mandarin

Origin: Colombia
Region: Cauca, Patio Bonito
Processing: Washed
Varietal: Pink Bourbon
Altitude: 1570-1650 masl

This coffee was grown by Paola Trujilo at the farm Patio Bonito. This coffee is harvested following strict ripeness criteria, floated and hand-sorted 3 remove any defects. Cherries were then exposed to 30 hours of underwater fermentation before being pulped. The parchment was then gently washed and then dried in temperature controlled conditions until ideal moisture content was achieved.

This micro-lot is 100% Pink Bourbon, This varietal is currently under research in order to determine its origin, It is said that it is a mutation that took place at 2100 m.a,s.l in San Adolfo, Huila.



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